So my sister pings me for the first time ever to tell me that I've been tagged.
The last time she tagged me, I happily ignored it.. but this time, it seems fun. She puts up a bunch of questions and I'm supposed to leave my played on. At each question I'm supposed to press "shuffle" and type out the song with comes on as the answer (with comments - witty or otherwise). Well, here goes..
If someone says “is this okay?” You say?
It's my life (Bon jovi)
What would best describe your personality?
Why can't a woman.. - My fair lady
No comments :D
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Rock Bottom - Eminem
Ah.. the secret's out! ;-)
How do you feel today?
Ob la di, od la Da - Beatles
Just finished Quantum exam.. ob la di, ob la da.. life goes on.. though "rock bottom" would've fit better, me thinks..
What is your life’s purpose?
Unbreak my heart - Toni Braxton
How noble!
What is your motto?
Bed of roes - Bon jovi
Yup, that is exactly how I sign off my letters:
"Chitra Gautham
Bed of Roses"
Hail the roses!!
What do your friends think of you?
Lose yourself - eminem
:-( Really? :-(
What do you think of your parents?
Two princes - Spin doctors
What do you think about very often?
Bebot - Black Eyed peas
Wow. I think in spanish!
What is 2+2?
Trumpets - flipsyde
I'm sure we just haven't understood the question properly. The mice will know..
What do you think of your best friend?
Flying - Beatles
Knowing my best friends, I'm sure!!!!! ;-P
What do you think of the person you like?
In your eyes - Kylie Minogue
Ah well.. * turns red *
What is your life story?
Losing grip - Avril Lavigne
This player is psychic!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
(I won't) do this anymore - Nickleback
Do what? Grow up? I guess not..
What do you think when you see the person you like?
Hey mama - Black Eyed Peas
Hee hee.. "So come on mama, dance to the drama"
What do your parents think of you?
Walnut tree - Keane
That's.. er.. nice.. - I think.
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Crash and Burn - savage Garden
I wonder how?
What will they play at your funeral?
Poprocks and Coke - Greenday
Right. That's it. I'm leaving everything to charity! Hmph!
What is your hobby/interest?
Happy Birthday - Flipsyde
Maybe that's a sign.. Maybe someone up there is trying to tell me to give up physics and take up event management. Maybe..
What is your biggest secret?
Basketcase - Green day
"I think I'm cracking up.."
What do you think of your friends?
Lust like a woman - Bob Dylan
I really do think that. Esp about the guys! :-)
What should you post this as?
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
Ummm.. okay.. I will.
This was actually loads of fun!! You guys should try it too. I tag everyone who's commented on my blog!
Friends (are) forever
3 weeks ago