God - Possibly the most discussed topic ever. No, that would be food (three times a day per person min.). Well, alright, the second most discussed topic ever..
The fact that I'm an atheist has invited it's share of shocked expressions as I grew up. I still remember our valedictory lunch when all of us were sitting around a table in Mainland China - dressed in our saris and feeling all grown up - when Rabia suddenly remarked "Oh, but Chitra doesn't believe in God!".
"What?" - A general cry and shocked expressions all around followed by a discussion on God and Religion where everyone else agreed that 'God invented man but man invented religion'(quite profound for a 16 yr old, come to think of it).
That being the first time I had openly admitted to being an atheist, it was also the first time I had to put up with such a reaction. Also I came from a very Christiany Christian school - you know, prayers 4 times a day, teacher making fun of Durga's multiple hands during a history lesson, Darwin bashing during a bio lesson, scripture verses competitions, no bangles/bindi, plain sari for the valedictory(though, I have to admit, that looks very pretty), arguments on the big bang theory, the choir singing only religious songs - heck! the rock band played only religious songs!, etc.. you get the picture.
At the end of it all, I was sick of the whole thing. Sick of having a religion being pushed upon me and having to defend my beliefs.
I was also a very confused kid as I grew up. I don't come from a particularly religious family. There was the usual temple visits every birthday and every summer and pray to God on religious holidays thing, but I wasn't brought up on stories of Hindu mythology(things I pester my classmates at IIT for now!) - my dad used to tell me stories of the wars and the rise and fall of civilisations and dynasties - facts, not fiction, mind you.
Maybe that was what got me interested in Science - it dealt with hardcore facts. You got to verify everything. In religion on the other hand, you gotta trust blindly - something which never appealed to me. It was tempting, mind you. I mean, imagine putting all your trust and troubles and burdens and duties on someone else and believing that it'll all be taken care of! I would give a lot to be able to do that, but I know I never can.
It, somehow, doesn't seem right!
When my sister and I had our little accident, my mom prayed to some temple somewhere down south and said she'll do an 'archanai' there if we get better. We did and now she wants to go. She thinks my dad and I were sniggering at her when she told us this, but we weren't. Well, I can't speak for him, but I, for one, have never been against anyone else's blind faith. Just because I like to lead a life where I believe I and I alone am responsible for everything I do, doesn't mean I expect everyone else to do the same! Which is why it irritates me when others come and try to convince me that there does exist a God. Why do they do that? If they can accept that Hindus believe in Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Muslims in Allah and the Christians in Jesus Christ, why can't they let me believe in none? Why is it impertinent that I believe in someone whoever he/she be?
Though I'm being a tad unfair in making the previous statement. People accept the other religions because of religious harmony but they don't stop trying to convince the others to accept their own. I can understand that. What I can't stand is when someone pushes their beliefs upon you. Like Mrs. Rajan in school who made fun of Kali when we were studying about Durga Pooja in Social studies (I was 8 and I wasn't pleased with what was happening - if I had been older, I guess I would've protested, but then again she wouldn't have made such a statement to a bunch of 16 year olds - which just makes me lose all respect for her, but that's besides the point..). Or that lady who came home and gave my mom, who politely asked her what she did, a nice long lecture on how Christianity is the best and my mom should come for some meeting somewhere (I couldn't control my laughter and walked out of the room soon enough), or my aunt(who I love a lot and would die for her and so shouldn't put her name along with the others, but, hey, it's just an example) who tries to convince me to attend 'Art of living classes' - something, Chicken Little will assure you I don't need, since acc. to her I can be happy in a jail - whatever that means!
Another thing which always struck me as strange was the way girls are usually either firm believers or atheist. They dislike being an 'agnostic' for a long time, while that seems the popular choice with guys!! Of course, I will discount the masses who claim they are an agnostic because "they believe in God - some God, no name, but a supreme power" (to such people, I would suggest that they please go look up the dictionary meaning of the word and not be ashamed of believing in a supreme power. Trust me, there's nothing 'cool' about being an agnostic or a atheist!).
There's another category of people - my favorite - the ones who believe in God thanks to Pascal's wager argument ! Smart people, they are.. but it does seem like cheating, doesn't it? And if there is a God who knows all and controls all, won't he know exactly what these people are getting at? Ah, well..
Whatever works for them!
Friends (are) forever
1 week ago
most discussed topic - well, sex is definitely above food and god. I think even sports or more generally, entertainment, would easily beat food and god. infact if one made a list god might not even feature in top ten.
you do give 'belief in god' enough importance to write an entire post on it.
@ Achal: I was, of course, refering to the less perverted world I know. And yes, entertainment in general might be above God, but sports per se, I'm not so sure..
@ Satyaki: Duh!
Well, if you want to be Christian it's all right to repent at your death bed. Eleventh hour and all.
In fact, if the world as we know it was created by some god, he has a sick sense of humour, so I'm sure you get more in heaven depending on how close to the death you get before you repent. He likes gambles.
"I alone am responsible for everything I do" - true, But, you surely can't be responsible for whatever happens to you. Chaos theory, butterfly effect establish the fact that we live in a dynamic environment where initial conditions could change the outcome. But, the question is who controls the outcome of these probabilities which is what determines whatever happens to us. It sure is random. No hardcore science facts or theories can control it. There is an uncertainty factor which many people attribute to as God because that’s the easiest thing to do - blame God for misfortunes or thank him for miracles. Like Soumya says - if she doesn't do well in an exam, all that she has to do is to come home and tell mom about it and forget all about it. You lighten your burden when you share it with someone and you feel better. Just that for most people it happens to be a physically non existent God. And a sincere prayer is nothing but hope and belief. I really cannot talk about religion or religious fanatics, I can't seem to figure how they are wired. Everything is an interpretation - An atheist believes he is responsible ( he is God here), An agnostic believes something is responsible ( that something is God) and religious person believes that its God who is responsible ( they just don’t want to take the responsibility). I agree with you when you say, you have your belief so does everybody else, with mutual respect to one another, stick to whatever works for you. If people did that, maybe 'GOD' won't be discussed as much as it is actually done and you may not have written this post - Chaos theory there :)
"Another thing which always struck me as strange was the way girls are usually either firm believers or atheist."
I wonder why the 'right' shade of pink throws up such a dilemma for the womenfolk?
As Dilshaan said in Being Cyrus, and before that i said... God lives in the smallest of details... And you think you are god... So you consider yourself the smallest of details... i tell you... thats not true... you need a little more self-esteem... go with naren and attend art of living... or join people first...
@ George: *Makes a note* eleventh-hour, you say? *scribbles something, looks up and scraches head* I thought it was eleventy-first!
@ LP: I agree.. Soumya has the option of going and tlling her mom - many don't. So they turn to God! I know I can't control what happens to me, but I can control how I react and how I can change things in my favour. And yeah, if it wasnt for the fact that in our hearts of hearts we don't really accept anything other than our value systems, there will be no religious warfare, and hence no need for this post.. and my vistor's number wouldn't have gone up! So, yeah, I do have something to thank God for! :-)
Re Sido: *looks at the others* Forgive him, for he knows not what he speaks.
@ Satyaki: (What is an 'amp' doing in the middle of your long name?) Well, I was actually considering the Landmark self-improvement course (you remember? - the one which Rabia dragged me to in the middle of the night long back - you don't? *sigh* Good for you..)
Now now, Chitra, no imaginary numbers. I don't think God likes that.
Also, at the risk of sounding like a person who memorises spec sheets, & is a HTML special entity for & symbol.
That part should read &
@ Roshan: you have indeed gone over to the dark side..
I put you on the spot, didn't I? To be 16 and sensationalize everything again!
Mrs Rajan was taking out her pent up 'feelings' on a bunch of 11-year-olds. I remember how we were told that christian girls shouldn't ever lie, and I was supremely proud of being muslim, for a change.
Oh. Also that we perfected the art of making shawarma.
@ Chicken: Yes girl, you did.. And I'll grant you the Shawarma. Though you should be proud of the fact that you have perfected the art of making the best choc. chip cookies ever ! Now that I've flattered you, when am I getting the next batch?
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