Got my first intro to 55 from Pseudo here.
Anyway, decided to write one myself. A '55' is a story which is written in less than 55 words. So here goes:
Her mind wandered as usual. She smiles to herself as she thinks of the previous evening. Dinner was perfect. Her phone suddenly vibrates. She checks it under the desk. A message - 'Stop thinking of me and concentrate on class :-) '. She couldn't help grinning as she continued copying down what was on the board.
Oh, I know that's so-cute-it-makes-you-puke-ish and who-does-that-anyway-ish, but hey, it's my first attempt, so be nice, okay?
Oh and you guys should try a 55 as well!
Friends (are) forever
1 week ago
lovey-doveyily cute. I liked it...
I got my first introduction to flash fiction from When I started they were really good, but now a few ideas seem to be repeating. Still it was great fun reading those stories.
When you say flash fiction everyone thinks of that Hemingway classic -
For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.
Here's mine:
I take the 9.05 to Cotton Green, squeezing myself in to the already overloaded coach, clutching my wallet tightly. I ignore the urgent ringing of my phone, choosing to watch the young college boys hang by their nails to the gutters instead. One falls. I guess I'm going to be late for work again.
Yeah, I could have added 'down' to One falls... to make it 55, but screw that. 54 = 6 x 9 and that's good enough for anyone.
Ooh, word echo on I.
@ Vasu: thanky! :-)
@ Roshan; I liked yours.But why in the comments? why not in the blog? :-(
@Chitra: Why, as a tribute to yours, of course! Yours was totally awwww.
He sighed. Yesterday was good, but he kept thinking about his ex girlfriend. Maybe she was thinking about him too. He knew she would be teaching the kids dance now. He picks up his phone, types a quick message and sends it. That was when he realizes it. Wrong number. Yesterday's date.
Couldn't resist this! :)
@ Roshan: :-) Thanky you. (sic)
@ Arulz: Good one! :-)
note to roshan and arulz: very nice :)
@Pseudo: thank you! :-)
@pseudo intellectual:
The old man stood up from what was his laptop now, laughing. It was fun pretending to be someone else. He decided to tell them the truth: after all, they probably wouldn't believe it. Too bad Roshan George would get the credit, it's hard to appreciate a compliment when you're a corpse.
@pseudo and chitra:
thanks a lot! first story i ever wrote! :)
@ Old man Corpse: good one again! ;-)
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